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ER Stress and Autophagic Perturbations Lead to Elevated Extracellular α-Synuclein in GBA-N370S Parkinson’s iPSC-Derived Dopamine Neurons

Author(s):Fernandes, H.J.R. | Hartfield, E.M. | Christian, H.C. | Emmanoulidou, E. | Zheng, Y. | Booth, H. | Bogetofte, H. | Lang, C. | Ryan, B.J. | Sardi, S.P. | Badger, J. | Vowles, J. | Evetts, S. | Tofaris, G.K. | Vekrellis, K. | Talbot, K. | Hu, M.T. …read more

Source:: cowley, sally a.” 7102482900 “james, william s.” 35479049300 “moore, michael d.

Functional human artificial chromosomes are generated and stably maintained in human embryonic stem cells

Author(s):Mandegar, M.A. | Moralli, D. | Khoja, S. | Cowley, S. | Chan, D.Y. | Yusuf, M. | Mukherjee, S. | Blundell, M.P. | Volpi, E.V. | Thrasher, A.J. | James, W. | Monaco, Z.L.
Publication year: 2011
Journal / Book title: Human Molecular Genetics

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Source:: “james, william s.” 35479049300