Author(s):Xu, X. | Cowley, S. | Flaim, C.J. | James, W. | Seymour, L. | Cui, Z.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Biotechnology Progress
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Source:: “james, william s.” 35479049300
Author(s):Xu, X. | Cowley, S. | Flaim, C.J. | James, W. | Seymour, L. | Cui, Z.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Biotechnology Progress
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Source:: “james, william s.” 35479049300
Author(s):Handel, A.E. | Chintawar, S. | Lalic, T. | Whiteley, E. | Vowles, J. | Giustacchini, A. | Argoud, K. | Sopp, P. | Nakanishi, M. | Bowden, R. | Cowley, S. | Newey, S. | Akerman, C. | Ponting, C.P. | Cader, M.Z.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Human …read more
Source:: cowley, sally a.” 7102482900 “james, william s.” 35479049300 “moore, michael d.
Author(s):Hartfield, E.M. | Fernandes, H.J.R. | Vowles, J. | Cowley, S.A. | Wade-Martins, R.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Biochemical Society Transactions
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Source:: cowley, sally a.” 7102482900 “james, william s.” 35479049300 “moore, michael d.
Author(s):van Wilgenburg, B. | Browne, C. | Vowles, J. | Cowley, S.A.
Publication year: 2013
Journal / Book title: PLoS ONE
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Source:: cowley, sally a.” 7102482900 “james, william s.” 35479049300 “moore, michael d.
Author(s):Moore, M.D. | Wildfong, P.L.D.
Publication year: 2011
Journal / Book title: International Journal of Pharmaceutics
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Source:: cowley, sally a.” 7102482900 “james, william s.” 35479049300 “moore, michael d.
Author(s):Van Wilgenburg, B. | Scherwitzl, I. | Hutchinson, E.C. | Leng, T. | Kurioka, A. | Kulicke, C. | De Lara, C. | Cole, S. | Vasanawathana, S. | Limpitikul, W. | Malasit, P. | Young, D. | Denney, L. | Moore, M.D. | Fabris, P. | Giordani, M.T. | …read more
Source:: cowley, sally a.” 7102482900 “james, william s.” 35479049300 “moore, michael d.
From the Voices from Oxford channel
From the Voices from Oxford channel
Chong Long Chua, from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a winner of the 2015 Prize, who worked with Andre Merits at the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, has just published the following paper from the work:
Antigenic Variation of East/Central/South African and Asian Chikungunya Virus Genotypes in Neutralization by Immune Sera (2016)
Author(s):Jiang, Y. | Cowley, S.A. | Siler, U. | Melguizo, D. | Tilgner, K. | Browne, C. | Dewilton, A. | Przyborski, S. | Saretzki, G. | James, W.S. | Seger, R.A. | Reichenbach, J. | Lako, M. | Armstrong, L.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Stem Cells
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Source:: “james, william s.” 35479049300