We maintain two Applied BioSystems QuantStudio 5 qPCR machines on behalf of the department, which are available for general use, in the instrument room, OMPI2 510.30.27.

One is 96 well format and the other 384 well format. Iformation on these machines can be found at https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/A28575?SID=srch-srp-A28575#/A28575?SID=srch-srp-A28575 and https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/A28574?SID=srch-srp-A28574#/A28574?SID=srch-srp-A28574
The person in the JamesLab currently overseeing them is Maria, so if you wish to use them or report an issue, please let her know at mailto:maria.karabova@path.ox.ac.uk.
As a user, you are responsible for all consumable items, and must leave the instruments in a state fit for others to use.